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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Abercommie Going Down a Dangerous Path

It is official that there will be a special session of legislature to address the issue of same sex marriage. This is just wrong. We can debate all day whether homosexuality is immoral or not. It depends on your belief system.That is not the point.

The point is that marriage is a church made institution and the country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state. Therefore, the government never should have gotten involved in this issue to begin with. That is why they should stay out of it now. Once the government gets involved and opens this door, it will be a hard one to close.

What if a man who is attracted to small children comes forward and says that it is who he is and he can't change it? Do we allow him to marry a child? Or what if someone is attracted to his horse? How does the government say no when the gays are using the exact same argument?

Here is the part that really bothers me about this. The gays say it is not about a religion but they want the same rights as straight couples do. I understand that to a point, but here is the problem.

Look at the picture above. Do you see anything wrong? They are in a church and that is a statue of Jesus in the background. They say they respect all faiths but that is a blatant disrespect for what is believed. I have seen other pictures of a priest holding a Bible in front of a gay couple. If it is not about religion, why are they using a bible? I would love an answer to that question.