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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Government Needs to Address Child Support Fairness For Men

There is very little denying that in matters of child support, men are way too often not treated fairly. A man can be an awesome father but still get screwed by the Child Support Enforcement Agency. I know one case where a man actually had custody of his kid and the mom was really not involved at all and he still had to pay  child support.

In my case, my ex-wife and I agreed on joint custody and having the kids an equal amount of time. I thought that was the best way and nobody would have to pay child support. Of course I was wrong and still had to pay. I had a hearing on the matter and the judge figured that I was paying too much and still ruled in my ex-wife's favor.

The law statistics show that 90% of the time, the ruling is in the favor of the woman. The part of the law that makes no sense is that a child can be with the father all day from 8AM to 8PM seven days a week but sleep at the mom's house. According to the law, the father gets no credit for any time with the child.

Also, there is a mathematical formula that calculates child support and if you make more that the other parent you are paying. Of course, that is really only enforced when the man is the one hurt.

So I know what you are thinking. How is this a party issue?

It is because Republicans don't believe in giving special privileges to one gender or the other. The GOP also doesn't believe in penalizing somebody because they make a little more or rewarding somebody who makes a little less.

Democrats however have created a culture handouts and "gimmies." That is why my ex-wife can abuse the system by making sure she makes less than me and make no effort to get a promotion or a better job. If she does, she can't collect.

This is just one reason why we need a Republican Hawaii.

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