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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Republicans Need To Be Proud of Their Values

As we all know, a Republican getting elected in the State of Hawaii is extremely difficult. Unfortunately, one technique that is used is hiding party affiliation. Certain guys have even ran as democrats but if you here them speak, they sound quite conservative.

Let's take Maui for example. Currently there are only two registered republicans holding a public office. One is South Maui Council member Don Couch and the other is Mayor Alan Arakawa. Neither of these two public officials even bothered to attend the Maui County Republican Convention that was held on March 2. Since it was in Kihei, it would have been real easy for Couch to attend.

It is clear that these already elected officials are trying not to be TOO REPUBLICAN. That is a shame because how can we ever build up the party if the only current officials we have have to try and hide their affiliation?

I understand that it is hard to convince voters in a state that has such a liberal mindset that mainly sees republicans as a bunch of racist whites. The fact that they are hiding their values only reinforces that false stereotype. The fact is that the GOP represents all that America is about. That is free enterprise, equal opportunity, traditional Christian values, and small government. It is time that Hawaii Republicans start to be proud of that.

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