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Friday, November 15, 2013

Abercommie Ignored the People With Passage of Gay Marriage

Democrats have always claimed to be the party of the people. But this week, Governor Neil Abercrombie AKA Abercommie and other Democrats in the House and Senate passed the Marriage Equality Bill despite the fact that more people spoke up against it than for it. In fact, 80% of those who spoke wanted marriage to stay as it is (one man and one woman).

I find it funny that they claim to be the party that represents the people could completely ignore the will of the majority of the people. They of course will hide behind the idea that it is a Civil Rights issue. I shake my head on that. How can you honestly compare people being conquered, sold into slavery, chained to a boat, and totally relocated far from their home to a lifestyle that people have the FREEDOM to live? That is a freedom that is not granted in too many other places in the world. I don't understand that at all.

To tell you the truth, I commend all of those who waved signs asking for people to be able to vote. But I think they missed the mark. The message should not have been LET THE PEOPLE VOTE.  It should have been LET THE CHURCH DECIDE. I agree with Senator Sam Slom who believes that the government should have stayed out of this.

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