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Friday, November 15, 2013

Abercommie Ignored the People With Passage of Gay Marriage

Democrats have always claimed to be the party of the people. But this week, Governor Neil Abercrombie AKA Abercommie and other Democrats in the House and Senate passed the Marriage Equality Bill despite the fact that more people spoke up against it than for it. In fact, 80% of those who spoke wanted marriage to stay as it is (one man and one woman).

I find it funny that they claim to be the party that represents the people could completely ignore the will of the majority of the people. They of course will hide behind the idea that it is a Civil Rights issue. I shake my head on that. How can you honestly compare people being conquered, sold into slavery, chained to a boat, and totally relocated far from their home to a lifestyle that people have the FREEDOM to live? That is a freedom that is not granted in too many other places in the world. I don't understand that at all.

To tell you the truth, I commend all of those who waved signs asking for people to be able to vote. But I think they missed the mark. The message should not have been LET THE PEOPLE VOTE.  It should have been LET THE CHURCH DECIDE. I agree with Senator Sam Slom who believes that the government should have stayed out of this.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Love And Acceptance Should Not Be Confused With Each Other

Proponents of so called Marriage Equality have been really diluting the word of God by claiming that his greatest Commandment is love. Therefore, love everybody and let them live. Even some pastors are saying that which puzzles me. The problem here is that they are confusing love with acceptance. It is true that God wants us to love our neighbors and the greatest commandment is love. But does that mean we just accept things that God says are wrong because they say this is who I am and I can't change.

Leviticus 20:13, If a man has sexual relations as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. That is very clear that that is not an acceptable behavior in God's eyes. The idea that we should just accept this because of love really doesn't hold water.

Imagine this.A father loves his son unconditionally. But one day he finds drugs in his room. He tells his son that he is welcome any time but the drugs are not. So if you are going to have drugs you are not and you have to leave if you have drugs. Get rid of the drugs and you are welcome to come back any time but drugs are not welcome in my house.

Is that a lack of love? I don't think so. He is not accepting his sons lifestyle but will welcome him back when he changes it. That is tough unconditional love. Yet, he did not accept a lifestyle choice that God says is wrong.

Let me ask this. What if the son were to look at his dad and say, "But Dad, this is who I am and I can't change." Would that fly? Of course not. What if pedophiles start using that argument? It is not an acceptable answer for any of them. So why is it acceptable for homosexuals to use it? I don't get it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Abercommie Going Down a Dangerous Path

It is official that there will be a special session of legislature to address the issue of same sex marriage. This is just wrong. We can debate all day whether homosexuality is immoral or not. It depends on your belief system.That is not the point.

The point is that marriage is a church made institution and the country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state. Therefore, the government never should have gotten involved in this issue to begin with. That is why they should stay out of it now. Once the government gets involved and opens this door, it will be a hard one to close.

What if a man who is attracted to small children comes forward and says that it is who he is and he can't change it? Do we allow him to marry a child? Or what if someone is attracted to his horse? How does the government say no when the gays are using the exact same argument?

Here is the part that really bothers me about this. The gays say it is not about a religion but they want the same rights as straight couples do. I understand that to a point, but here is the problem.

Look at the picture above. Do you see anything wrong? They are in a church and that is a statue of Jesus in the background. They say they respect all faiths but that is a blatant disrespect for what is believed. I have seen other pictures of a priest holding a Bible in front of a gay couple. If it is not about religion, why are they using a bible? I would love an answer to that question.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Homosexual Marriage Cannot Happen

Earlier this week, Liberal Governor Neil Abercrombie said that he will call a special legislative session to discuss the issue of gay marriage. It is kind of strange that with all the economic issues facing the state that this issue would get a special session to begin with. Having said that, I really encourage Hawaii residents to contact both your state representative and state senator and ask them not to support this.

Yes, I am a Christian and it goes against my views, but it is much bigger than that. I understand that others have different beliefs too but it is bigger than that also. To me it is real simple when you think of it like this. The issue is not gay marriage, it is separation of church and state. Marriage is an issue for the church and NOT the state. At my church, we believe that Marriage is a covenant act before God between a man and a woman. Therefore, two men or two women cannot get married. Now if another church believes differently, then we have to respect their beliefs as well.

Therefore, the government is totally violating it's place by even getting involved in this issue. The church has always defined marriage and it should stay that way.The State needs to stay out of this one altogether.

I ask you fellow Christians and Non-Christians to stand for what is right and call your legislators and ask them not to support this.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The STUPID Vote: How The Democrats Stay in Power

While Hawaii is the most democratic state in the nation, liberalism is really spreading nationally. What is happening in Hawaii is a microcosm for where the whole nation is heading. As painful as it is to admit, the momentum right now is with the Democrats in not only Hawaii but the nation as a whole. For Republicans to ever reverse that trend, we have to look closely at what it is that keeps them in power.

Some say it is the gay vote. It is true that Democrats support gay marriage and Republicans are against it, but still they represent only 1/5 of the population. So that can't be it.

Others say it is the minority vote. I really doubt that because there are more and more minority conservatives coming out. I am actually thinking of making a bumper sticker saying Don't blame me. I voted for the Hawaiian. That of course is Duke Aiona.

Another theory is that it is the union vote that keeps the democrats in. This one does hold a little more water because people are afraid to go against their unions regardless of how frustrated they are with them. But I believe that it really goes well beyond unions although the union vote would fall under this.

It is what I call the STUPID vote. Understand that this doesn't mean that everybody who votes Democrat is stupid. I have met some very intelligent and educated people who believe that the answer is big government and higher taxes.

However, there are far too many who are very uneducated and make unintelligent votes. The fact that Barack Obama got elected twice is proof of that.  If you ask them the difference between a Democrat and a Republican, they will initially say that the Republicans only care about the rich and the Democrats want to help the poor. The Democrats have successfully painted a picture that the rich are evil and the poor are innocent. The people have bought that even though it is completely false. But I have noticed time and time again that once I start laying the issues out there for people, they are really conservative deep down.

It usually starts with, "What do you like about Obama?" The answer is either him being the first black president or him being from Hawaii. Often times these same people are against big government, higher taxes, Obamacare, abortion, and non-traditional marriage. People generally also believe that if you work harder and do more work, you should get paid more than the guy being lazy.  Yet, they still vote Democrat.

I am convinced that it is due to a lack of education. Hawaii is the most Democratic state and it also has the worst public education system in the nation. Is that a coincidence? Hmmm!

The people of Hawaii have such a distorted view of the Republicans that many use their democrat party affiliation as a bargaining tool and the sad part is that it works. For example, last election cycle their was a Republican incumbent George Fontaine and his opponent Kaniela Ing consistently said vote for me because south Maui needs a democrat. He said they need someone who won't go against the grain.

Another local hero is Mazie Hirono. I am sorry but I am convinced that this woman has no brain. I can give you her whole campaign speech from four years ago. It went like this. I voted against George Bush every time. Then this past cycle, it went like this. I support everything President Obama is doing. I find it sad that such a mindless campaign would actually work.

So what can the Republicans do about this?

Well it reminds me of a fact about when the country was started. The right to vote was not given to everybody. Only white landowning males could vote. While that is racist and sexist, the fact is that women and blacks did not go to school in those days. Therefore, there was something to the idea of those who weren't educated being allowed to vote.

That makes me wonder if just giving everybody the right to vote is a good idea. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to require at least a high school diploma and a steady job to vote. Maybe we shouldn't allow those on assistance to vote. I have to stop because I know I am dreaming if I think the liberals will ever give up their bread and butter.

Therefore, it comes down to Republicans doing a better job of educating the public on the issues and encouraging them not to be too loyal to their unions. The public needs to understand that the Republicans are not just for the rich but for people being able to provide for themselves independently from the government. The real reason the Democrats hate the rich is because they can't control them and the rich won't buy their lies.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Is Hawaii Really a Liberal State?

Being a big fan of Fox News, I generally agree with their points of view. However, recently they described Hawaii as the most liberal state in the nation. I guess from a political perspective you can say that. We have only had one Republican governor in our history and Linda Lingle really was a moderate one at that. Beyond that, our two U.S. Senators and two Represnetatives have always been democrat. Currently our 25 seat State Senate has 24 Democrats with Sam Slom being the only Republican. The State House has 44 democrats and only 7 republicans. So you can call this state the most liberal if you solely base it on politics.

However, if you look at the definition of the word liberal (open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values). Anybody who lives in Hawaii knows that this state is resistant to any change. Any new business that wants to come in gets protested and shut down. The general mindset is to keep things the same here. That is not liberal by definition.

With that in mind, I think that the reason the democrats stay in power has nothing to do with ideology but with the conservative voters resistance to change. How ironic is that?

What really stands out is that if you read the Maui News, you will see lots of people complaining about the County Council. Their continual pay raises is one issue that comes up. Yet not one of them was voted out. Not even the sole Republican Don Couch.

Daniel Innouye served for 49 years in the U.S. Senate. His partner Dan Akaka served for 23. That is not in any way representative of a state that wants change. What I find really fascinating is that the sole Republican State Senator Sam Slom has been in office for 17 years. That tells me that it really has less to do with keeping the democrat in but keeping the incumbent in. People cry for change but are scared to vote for it.

Hawaii is a democrat state. But ironically it is conservative minded voters and not liberal ones who keep it that way. It doesn't seem to matter how poor this state gets either.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Do The Really Have the Nerve to Call Themselves Progressive?

One term that democrats often are associated with is progressive. It is a nice term suggesting that they are about progress. The word actually has five definitions.

favoring or advocating progresschange, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: a progressive mayor.
making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas,new or experimental methods, etc.: a progressive community.
characterized by such progressor by continuous improvement.
initial capital letter  ) of or pertaining to any of the Progressive parties in politics.
going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of a series to the next; proceeding step by step.

I won't speak for the rest of the country but anybody who follows local politics knows that that doesn't describe Hawaii Democrats at all.

Starting with #1, Whenever a new business comes in such as the Hawaii Superferry or the new Mega Mall in Kihei, the environmental groups that are all aligned with the democrats do everything they can to shut it down. They say they want to keep Hawaii as it is without all these new businesses. So I guess they aren't progressive this way.

So let's look at #2. Most people I know are working two or more jobs just to barely have enough. That is not exactly better conditions and the only new ideas I see are new taxes. Do soda drinks ring a bell? Fail again.

On to #3, I have seen no improvements. All I see is the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer. In Hawaii, it is Democrat policy that has led to that. Here is an example. To get a business permit, one must go on a waiting list that is years long because of a limit on the number of permits allowed. That alone goes against the idea of free enterprise. 

To make matters worse, if a permit becomes available the highest bidder gets it and they can keep it whether they are using it or not. No continuous improvement here for the small business owners. I guess they aren't as for the little man as much as they say.

I guess they can qualify under #4 but does that really count? 

Finally, I see no moving forward as #5 indicates. As long as they keep adding taxes, shutting down businesses, and limiting permits it will stay that way.

Therefore, they can use the word progressive all they want. However, if you would like some real progress, vote for a Republican Hawaii.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Republicans Need To Be Proud of Their Values

As we all know, a Republican getting elected in the State of Hawaii is extremely difficult. Unfortunately, one technique that is used is hiding party affiliation. Certain guys have even ran as democrats but if you here them speak, they sound quite conservative.

Let's take Maui for example. Currently there are only two registered republicans holding a public office. One is South Maui Council member Don Couch and the other is Mayor Alan Arakawa. Neither of these two public officials even bothered to attend the Maui County Republican Convention that was held on March 2. Since it was in Kihei, it would have been real easy for Couch to attend.

It is clear that these already elected officials are trying not to be TOO REPUBLICAN. That is a shame because how can we ever build up the party if the only current officials we have have to try and hide their affiliation?

I understand that it is hard to convince voters in a state that has such a liberal mindset that mainly sees republicans as a bunch of racist whites. The fact that they are hiding their values only reinforces that false stereotype. The fact is that the GOP represents all that America is about. That is free enterprise, equal opportunity, traditional Christian values, and small government. It is time that Hawaii Republicans start to be proud of that.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

HSTA Needs To Rethink Their Political Affiliation

How ironic is it that the Teachers union historically always endorses democrats for governor? This is a mystery to me. Even after they went on strike against Ben Cayetano, they refused to endorse Linda Lingle. They did not endorse any candidate that year in 2002. Then again in 2006, HSTA endorsed Democrat Randy Iwase. In spite of the fact that Lingle never had support from HSTA, there were never in 8 years any contract issues that came close to resulting in strike. There was the furloughs, but the teachers did actually support that with an 80% yes vote.

Then came 2010 and HSTA endorses the eventual winner Neil Abercrombie. Look at the results. The teachers have not had a contract in over a year and talks of a strike are very real once again. How can these people who educate for a living not have the smarts to see this?

It is basic math. 100% of the time HSTA endorses democrats. 100% of the time there has been a strike has been with a democrat governor (John Burns in 1973 and Ben Cayetano in 2001). Now the possibility is very real under Abercrombie. The really ironic thing is that these are all guys HSTA supported. Then the one time there was a GOP governor, there were no major contract issues.

HSTA really needs to think about their political affiliation if they care about teachers and education. I have never understood the mindset of a teacher supporting the left to begin with. What do they tell kids? "Work hard to get a good education and achieve success so later we can penalize for it with higher taxes than the poor."

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Government Needs to Address Child Support Fairness For Men

There is very little denying that in matters of child support, men are way too often not treated fairly. A man can be an awesome father but still get screwed by the Child Support Enforcement Agency. I know one case where a man actually had custody of his kid and the mom was really not involved at all and he still had to pay  child support.

In my case, my ex-wife and I agreed on joint custody and having the kids an equal amount of time. I thought that was the best way and nobody would have to pay child support. Of course I was wrong and still had to pay. I had a hearing on the matter and the judge figured that I was paying too much and still ruled in my ex-wife's favor.

The law statistics show that 90% of the time, the ruling is in the favor of the woman. The part of the law that makes no sense is that a child can be with the father all day from 8AM to 8PM seven days a week but sleep at the mom's house. According to the law, the father gets no credit for any time with the child.

Also, there is a mathematical formula that calculates child support and if you make more that the other parent you are paying. Of course, that is really only enforced when the man is the one hurt.

So I know what you are thinking. How is this a party issue?

It is because Republicans don't believe in giving special privileges to one gender or the other. The GOP also doesn't believe in penalizing somebody because they make a little more or rewarding somebody who makes a little less.

Democrats however have created a culture handouts and "gimmies." That is why my ex-wife can abuse the system by making sure she makes less than me and make no effort to get a promotion or a better job. If she does, she can't collect.

This is just one reason why we need a Republican Hawaii.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Time For a Conservative Change in the Aloha State

Known by paradise and it's beautiful beaches, Hawaii does not get recognized for it's liberal government by those who visit here. The Aloha state is statistically the most liberal in the nation. Since 1954, there has only been one Republican governor (Linda Lingle). However, the state legislature continued to be dominated by the Democrats when Lingle was in office.

Now with another Democrat governor (Neil Abercrombie), the State Senate has 24 Democrats and only 1 Republican and the State House has 44 Democrats and 7 Republicans. That is 68 out of 76 total legislators being Democrat. That is 89%. What this means is that the GOP influence is so small that the Democrats have  the opportunity to push whatever they want through and have basically no opposition. It has been that way since 1954. That is nearly sixty years of Democrat rule. Even when Lingle was Governor, the Democrats still controlled the Legislature.

With the left having the ball in their court for six decades, Hawaii has the worst public education system in the nation. It ranks #1 in people on food stamps. Foreclosures and Crystal Meth use continue to be problems. Hawaii ranks 49th in business friendly states.

I don't have to throw stats like that out there for those who live here to know how hard it is to live here. Many people here work multiple jobs to barely have enough. When I first moved to Hawaii, I made a choice to take on a second job. However, the idea was to have enough to travel regularly and take an extra vacation. Now I need that second income to survive. There are far too many people in that same situation.

Very few locals have enough to go on vacation even if it is just to another island for a family reunion. They need that extra income to survive. That is not healthy.

The Democrats cannot blame anybody but themselves. As much as I dislike Obama, he can use the excuse that Republicans in DC block his moves. The left here can't use that excuse.

All they do is continue to add more taxes and more restrictions to business. That makes it harder and harder for them to survive meaning those that do survive can keep raising prices due to lack of competition. Higher prices, higher taxes, and lower wages is the combination that the working class deals with here.

It is clear that after almost six decades, the democrats just don't have the answer. It is time for a conservative change.